Anti-Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policies

As a proud supporter of Muay Ying’s commitment to creating safer training spaces, Zesty Kickz pledges to uphold a zero-tolerance policy against sexual harassment and assault within our gym.

We believe that every member deserves to train in an environment free from fear, intimidation, and misconduct. To ensure this, we commit to:

  1. Establishing Clear Policies: We will develop and maintain explicit policies against sexual harassment and assault. These policies will include clear definitions, reporting procedures, and outlined consequences for violations. You can find these explicit policies below.
  2. Education and Awareness: We will regularly educate all members and staff on recognizing, preventing, and responding to harassment and assault through training sessions and open discussions.
  3. Safe Reporting: We will provide safe, confidential channels for reporting any misconduct. All reports will be taken seriously, investigated thoroughly, and addressed promptly, with appropriate actions taken against violators.
  4. Support for Survivors: We will create a supportive environment where survivors feel empowered to speak up, knowing their voices will be heard and respected.
  5. Ongoing Commitment: Our pledge is not a one-time promise but an ongoing commitment to maintaining a safe, respectful, and inclusive training environment.
  6. Room for Growth: We acknowledge that creating a perfect system takes time, and we may need to refine our approach as we learn and grow. However, our intentions will always align with this pledge and the policies below.

We understand that if Zesty Kickz is found to be untrue to this commitment, we risk removal from Muay Ying’s list of safe gyms. We take this pledge seriously, and we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of safety and respect within our community.

Together, we can create a community that prioritizes safety, respect, and empowerment for all. This pledge reflects our dedication to protecting our members and ensuring that Zesty Kickz remains a space where everyone can train without fear.

This pledge is proudly supported by Muay Ying ( )

At Zesty Kickz, we are committed to creating a safe and respectful training environment for all members, staff, and visitors. We have a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, assault, and any form of misconduct. These policies reflect our dedication to fostering a culture of safety, respect, and accountability.

1. Definition of Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct includes any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that creates a hostile or intimidating environment. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors.
    Example: A coach or senior member making suggestive comments or propositions towards a student, implying that better training or opportunities are contingent upon reciprocating these advances.
  • Inappropriate touching, groping, or other forms of physical contact where such contact is not necessary.
  • Verbal harassment, including but not limited to lewd comments, jokes, or derogatory remarks about someone’s body, gender, or sexual orientation.
  • Non-verbal harassment, such as leering, gestures, or displaying sexually suggestive materials.
    Example: This can include a coach or team member staring inappropriately during training, making lewd gestures, or sharing explicit images or videos within gym spaces or in private messages under the context of gym communication.
  • Sexual assault, including any non-consensual physical contact of a sexual nature.
  • Abuse of power and status by coaches or senior members.
    Example: A coach using their position of authority to pressure a student into a personal relationship, suggesting that refusal may result in reduced training quality, fewer sparring opportunities, or exclusion from competition and events.
  • Creating fear of retaliation.
    Example: Students feeling unable to refuse advances or report misconduct due to fear of being ostracized, receiving harsher treatment in training, or being sidelined from progression opportunities within the gym.

2. Reporting Procedures

We encourage all members and staff to report any instances of harassment or assault immediately. Reports can be made in person, via email, or through our confidential reporting system.

  • Who Can Report: Anyone who experiences, witnesses, or has knowledge of misconduct.
  • How to Report: Reports can be made to any coach, staff member, or designated safety officer. Additionally, you may report via email at
  • Your identity will remain anonymous.
  • What to Include: Details such as dates, times, locations, names of those involved, and any witnesses, if known.
  • 3. Investigation and Response
  • All reports of misconduct will be taken seriously and investigated promptly, thoroughly, and impartially.
  • Confidentiality: We respect the privacy of all parties involved and will handle all reports with discretion, sharing information only on a need-to-know basis.
  • Investigation: Designated and appropriate parties will investigate each report fairly.
  • Actions Taken: If a violation of our policies is identified, due to our zero-tolerance approach, immediate actions will be taken, which may include termination of membership, employment, and/or pursuing legal action.
  • 4. Consequences for Violations
  • Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including:
  • Immediate termination of membership or employment.
  • Ban from the gym premises.
  • Referral to law enforcement authorities if appropriate.
  • 6. Education and Training
  • Staff Training: All staff members, including coaches, are required to undergo regular training on recognizing, preventing, and responding to harassment and assault.
  • Member Awareness: We will require all members to be aware of this policy, and encourage open conversations about creating a safe gym environment.
  • 7. Commitment to Inclusivity and Intersectionality
  • We recognize that harassment and assault can affect individuals differently based on their gender, race, sexual orientation, or other aspects of their identity. Zesty Kickz commits to an intersectional approach in our policies to the best of our ability,, ensuring that everyone feels safe and supported, regardless of their background or identity.
  • 8. Continuous Improvement
  • Creating a safe environment is an ongoing process. We are committed to regularly reviewing and improving these policies based on feedback, new insights, and evolving best practices. If issues arise, we will take corrective action to better uphold our commitment to safety and respect.
  • These policies are in place to ensure that Zesty Kickz
  • remains a place where everyone can train, learn, and grow without fear. By committing to these standards, we aim to build a community that values safety, respect, and dignity for all.
  • For more information or to provide feedback on our policies, please contact us at